Executive Order

Trump denying press credentials as private citizen, yet “America’s greatest President,” Abraham Lincoln, arrested critical newspaper editors

With word that Trump has revoked the press credentials of the Washington Post for appearing in an official capacity at any of his events, and criticism of that from the usual quarters, I couldn’t help but recall what I learned perhaps only about five to six years ago, about “America’s greatest President,” Abraham Lincoln, arresting […]

LIONEL PODCAST: The Obama “State of Emergency” Shreds the Constitution Again!

The Executive Order. POTUS Barry Obama signed the referenced infra, a “state of emergency,” giving your United States government the unfettered red light to sanction suspected cyber-criminals with inter alia financial and travel restrictions as well as civil asset seizure and forfeiture. Uh oh. But what this is about is a blatant power grab on so many levels. The government let the genie get out of the bottle when DARPA constructed the Internet in the early 60s.

Obama Declares Self-Determination to Be a Threat to US National Security

In his March 6 Executive Order, “Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine,” Obama declares that support for Crimean self-determination constitutes “an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.”