Entertainment Liaison Offices

The Pentagon and the Science and Entertainment Exchange

Officially, the Science and Entertainment Exchange (or SEEX) is the outreach program of the National Academy of Sciences – a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit honorific body who give awards and the like.  In reality it is a government-funded entertainment liaison office who work closely with the military to help them accomplish their aims. A full account […](Read more...)

ClandesTime 128 – The FBI in Hollywood

Of all the US intelligence agencies, the FBI has the longest-running relationship with Hollywood. From spying on A-listers as to helping blacklist screenwriters, through to manipulating scripts for PR and propaganda purposes, the Bureau’s influence on Tinseltown is very broad. Using documents from throughout the FBI’s history, today we’re going to look at this relationship and ask: whatever happened about that Sony hack?(Read more...)

‘Do Not Discuss Politics on the Base’ – Air Force documents on Hollywood Civic Leader Tour

Just prior to the 2016 Presidential Election the US Air Force took several dozen Hollywood figures on a Civic Leader Tour of military facilities in Alaska, as part of their ongoing attempts to gain friends and influence in Tinseltown. While the Air Force entertainment liaison office would not tell me anything about this trip (even that 'CLT' stands for 'Civic Leader Tour') a FOIA request yielded dozens of pages of documents related to the trip.