
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Coups, False Flag Operations, Hearts & Minds

Welcome to our twelfth episode of Probable Cause. Today, with this episode, we are starting a new subtopic that is directly related to our macro subject. We are going to talk about strategic operations and synthetic events as catalysts to bring about forceful and rapid changes. We are going to talk about coups: Coup as in coups d'etat; coups d'etat as in "stroke of the state,” and defined as a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: FBI’s Sheep-Dipped Man in a Whistleblowers Organization

Welcome to our seventh episode of Probable Cause. With this episode we are starting a new chain of subtopics within the context of our main topic-revolution. After discussing some of the obstacles in kindling the revolutionary process within individuals’ thoughts, we are moving to various tactics and operations that target revolutionaries during the second stage- collective activism within groups or networks.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: How to Detangle the Majority Caught in the Web of Political Conformity?

Welcome to our sixth episode of Probable Cause. For this episode we’ll be revisiting our discussions in the first three episodes-revolution, and combine that with what we discussed during the last two shows. We are going from identifying the ‘what’ to explaining through ‘whys’ and arriving at the important stage of ‘how.’

"Sunny John" Boehner doesn't deserve to be made fun of by Alexandra Petri

If Alexandra Petri and I are both having a spot of trouble with misbehaving words, it's in the great tradition of Saturday Night Live's perpetually angry scourge, Emily Litella (Gilda Radner), who (for example) couldn't understand what all the fuss was about "violins in schools.""The American people said they wanted change, but really what they wanted was just a little bit off the top because anything else would frighten their spouses. . .