Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Making Our Way through Slippery Slopes & Thin Lines

Welcome to our ninth episode of Probable Cause. This episode is dedicated to a few macro points and questions that were raised by you through our discussions on the last few episode topics. Consider this episode a needed pause to reflect and recollect before we proceed to our next subtopic.
With our topics and related context and real-life examples we have been dealing with heavy doses of reality on the ground. We are lifting the curtains, letting the light in, to see the naked truth. We are pushing the illusions out of the way, and staring truth in the eye. And the truth is not pretty. Far from it: it is ugly and vicious. It seems ominous. In many cases it is like a cancer that has greatly metastasized. How many activists and whistleblowers stop and turn their backs when they look the beast in the eye? How many people cover their eyes or look the other way when they catch a glimpse of the beast? How do we resist this common fate?
Additionally in this episode we’ll be talking about the difference between Pollyanna-esque optimism and realistic optimism. We’ll be discussing the importance of recognizing and acknowledging obstacles before we begin to look for approaches to overcoming them, and the importance of knowing our enemy, our opponents and their methods and tactics. And finally, we’ll be addressing one of the repeated questions in our forum: When are we going to take action? Is it going to be only talk, talk, and talk? How and when we are going to put all this talk into action?
*To listen to our previous episodes on this topic click here
Listen to the full episode here: