Burkina Faso

SUNDAY SCREENING: Thomas Sankara: The Upright Man

This week’s documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.
The story of Thomas Sankara is unknown to many in the west. He was a visionary and a revolutionary – a charismatic army captain who came to power in a popular coup in Burkina Faso in 1983. Regarded as Africa’s ‘Che,’ his brief four-year rule inspired a generation and inspired African self-reliance as an alternative to the neo-liberal IMF ‘development’ model imposed by the West on Africa. Watch:

“Aiding” Canada’s Mining Companies

Significant sums in Canadian “aid” are spent promoting international mining initiatives.
In a press release last week Ontario-based Carube Copper said it acquired over “500 square kilometres of the most prospective ground in Jamaica based on historic showings, the work completed and reported in 1993 by the Canadian International Development Agency (‘CIDA’).”