
Spike in Boycotts of Turkish Goods and Services; Consumers Cite Warmongering as Cause

Spike in boycotts of Turkish goods and services; consumers cite warmongering as cause Six days into the renewed attacks by the Azerbaijan-Turkey-Israeli axis on Armenia and Artsakh, many countries have come forward to denounce the warmongers. But none of these condemning nations has yet to put any meaningful actions behind its words. Consequently, everyday people […]

Amid Torrent of Anti-BDS Legislation, Columbia University Students Win Referendum Against Apartheid

In a political climate that broadly supports Israel both financially and ideologically, a student group at Columbia University has beaten the odds, passing a referendum that calls for circumspection of its school’s investment in the state.
What makes this accomplishment particularly striking is the fact that Congress and U.S. states are currently considering – or in many cases, have already passed – legislation to do the exact opposite.

Campagne BDS : la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme condamne la France

C’est la CEDH qui l’affirme : oui, il est permis de critiquer Israël, et d’appeler au boycott de ses produits afin que cet état cesse sa politique raciste d’apartheid et de colonisation envers les palestiniens. Le texte qui suit nous a été envoyé par Olivia Zémor, de l’association CAPJPO-EuroPalestine. Pour rappel, la campagne BDS est âprement combattu par l’état d’Israël […]

Elected by Donors: How the University of Cape Town Was Bullied into Embracing Israel

It was a scandal of the highest caliber. On November 23, the Senate of the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa was practically bullied to reverse an earlier decision that called for the academic boycott of Israel. While the story may only seem relevant in South Africa’s political and academic contexts, in reality, it exemplifies the nature of a brewing war between supporters of Palestinian rights and Israeli interests, worldwide. 
In fact, the UCT scandal began much earlier. 

As Malaysia and Ireland Find Out, You Stand Up for Palestinian Rights at Your Peril

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA — In a move consistent with the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions, BDS, against Israel, the Malaysian government has refused entry visas to athletes representing Israel in the 2019 World Para Swimming Championships that were slated to be held in Sarawak, Malaysia this July.