China set to shock markets with low glyphosate residue limits in food imports
Move follows classification of glyphosate as probable human carcinogen by IARC
Move follows classification of glyphosate as probable human carcinogen by IARC
The Arkansas State Plant Board voted to roll back restrictions on the drift-prone herbicide dicamba late last week
Glyphosate link with cancer could be re-examined
Far from needing GM maize to replace its failing crop, as GMO lobbyist Mark Lynas claims, Tanzania has far too much maize already
Growing research show that glyphosate, one of the most widely used herbicides in the US, causes cancer
Chaotic legal situation after hearing on a patent covering peppers
By modifying the genes of ocean organisms to trigger a reaction when they come in contact with substances left behind by submarines, the US military aims to use marine life to detect enemy subs
PEST Committee votes in favour of its draft report demanding reform
African farmers are demanding that Lynas cease using their images in GMO promotionals; Lynas’s mischief-making may have triggered Tanzania’s ending of GMO field trials. Report: Claire Robinson, GMWatch and Mariam Mayet, African Centre for Biodiversity
Dicamba is the "absolute worst" problem beekeeper has seen