Expanding Security State
By affinis – Corrente – 05/06/2013
A few days ago, I noticed this piece at FDL: “’Homeland Security’ Spending Overtakes New Deal“
By affinis – Corrente – 05/06/2013
A few days ago, I noticed this piece at FDL: “’Homeland Security’ Spending Overtakes New Deal“
By Sheldon Richman | FFF | May 3, 2013
“A nonpartisan, independent review of interrogation and detention programs in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks concludes that ‘it is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture’ and that the nation’s highest officials bore ultimate responsibility for it.”
Robert Mundell is the father of the euro. When he taught at the University of Chicago, he told his students that the euro was never intended to actually work. Its purpose was to fail, impoverish the people of Europe and force them to accept a dictatorship from the unelected European Commission. This is according to Greg Palast of the BBC who attended the University of Chicago.
Quantitative Easing is best thought of as legalized pick pocketing at a crowded train station. Technically it is defined as the Central Bank buying assets normally held by the 1/10th of 1%. It officially began in Japan in 2001. Thus is what it does:
1) It buys worthless assets held by banks at 100 cents on the dollar. This subsidizes mortgage-backed securities (MBS) which were fraudulent. These purchases allowed the bankers who own the Federal Reserve to avoid doing jail time with common criminals.