security state

Double standards for citizens of Israel

The arrest of a journalist and several political activists in Israel over the past few weeks has provoked a troubling debate: are laws applied differently depending on whether a citizen is Jewish or not? Particularly controversial was the arrest last month of Majd Kayyal, a journalist from Israel’s Palestinian minority who was seized on his return from Lebanon and interrogated for five days without access to lawyers.


Boston Bombing still requires real investigation

Remember the Boston Marathon Bombing? It was that terrorist event which resulted in a massive manhunt, martial law in Boston, and lots more questions than answers. Well the corporate media surely doesn’t want you to remember it. Hence their lack of investigative reporting on what really transpired that day and in the ensuing days.

Boston Bombing still requires real investigation

Remember the Boston Marathon Bombing? It was that terrorist event which resulted in a massive manhunt, martial law in Boston, and lots more questions than answers. Well the corporate media surely doesn’t want you to remember it. Hence their lack of investigative reporting on what really transpired that day and in the ensuing days.

Defend Assata, Defend Ourselves: The Black Is Black Coalition Rallies in Harlem

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford | May 8, 2013

In doubling the bounty on former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur’s head, the Obama administration is announcing that Black radicals are candidates for his Kill List. The message is as unmistakable and dramatic as the billboards that have been erected in Newark, New Jersey, and elsewhere screaming for the exiled freedom fighter’s blood.