
The Ochelli Effect – Psychotherapy For Media Exhaustion

On this particular Ochelli Effect, Michael Swanson went into a direction that Chuck did not expect. The industry of Psychology and MkUltra were discussed as inspired by Mike’s interest in the Documentary Wormwood. It was quite unique among all the dialogs with Mike on the show over the years. How does this relate to what Mike knows about his father?

Hollywood MK Ultra – Esoteric Hollywood 2 Jay Dyer & Illuminati Watcher

Isaac at Illuminati Watcher invited me on to discuss the reality behind Mk Ultra – which will make up a significant portion of my new book, Esoteric Hollywood 2, as well as my part in the Sean Stone – Oliver Stone documentary, Hollywood, D.C., which aired on RT recently.   We cover the more bizarre aspects of MK Ultra like super soldiers and transhumanism and how both do arise from the historic MK programs.  We also cover the real sex espionage aspects of Red Sparrow, while also dissecting it as propaganda.

CIA, Media & The Mind-Controlled Opposition

In this edition of Probable Cause Newsbud Founder and Editor Sibel Edmonds is joined by Douglas Valentine, author of several non-fiction books, one novel, and one volume of poetry. He has lectured and appeared on TV and radio talk shows, testified as an expert witness, served as a documentary film consultant and worked as a private investigator. His most recent book is The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World.  Edmonds and Valentine discuss the influence and operations of the CIA abroad and domestically, while controlling the Media.