Trump's taxes

Trump Tax Cuts For Multi-millionaires Will Be Paid For By Painful Cuts To Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Education

On Tuesday we asked half a dozen of the Blue America candidates how eager they are to go on the offensive over the GOP tax agenda. All of them are very eager to do just that. For example, James Thompson, the candidate for the Kansas congressional district centered around Wichita, thinks if the 2018 election iOS decided on tax policies, he'll be the next congressman from KS-04.

Worst President Ever Wants To Raise Taxes On The Internet To Get Even With The Washington Post's Owner

The vindictive asshole Trump's supporters elected looks like he may be headed towards letting them down again-- this time over taxes. Who ever thinks about Republicans raising taxes. An effective multi-decade p.r. effort has persuaded Americans that Republican don't raise taxes-- although they certainly do.

Don't Forget-- The T Stands For Tax... Oops, I Thought It Stood For Trump

The National Retail Federation is the world's largest retail trade association and includes department stores, specialty, discount, catalog, Internet, and independent retailers, chain restaurants, and grocery stores. Members also include businesses that provide goods and services to retailers, such as vendors and technology providers. The Federation represents an industry that contains over 1.6 million U.S. retail establishments with more than 24 million employees and (2005) sales of $4.4 trillion.

Paul Ryan Fully Embraces Trump's Style Of Post-Factual Governance

Alan Grayson will be out of Congress in two weeks, but he’s not stopping. He just filed a bill that makes president’s tax returns releasable under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). His bill is H.R. 6507 ands Paul Ryan will make sure it’s never voted on while he’s Speaker of the House, something we plan to end after the 2018 congressional elections.

Damage Control At Trump Tower-- The Candidate Is A Moocher, A Freeloader And A Business Failure

While Trumpian surrogates like Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie fanned out over the airwaves yesterday to repeat Trumpy-the Clown's newest-- post Alicia Machado-- talking point-- that Trumpf is "a genius" after losing a billion dollars and then not paying any taxes for 18 years-- Bernie Sanders had a very different message.