Rants & Commentary

LIONEL PODCAST: Net Neutrality Will Destroy the Internet

Congratulations. This past week the FCC announced good news, pilgrims, net neutrality is here. Your Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a non-elected and appointed federal government agency providing in effect toll booths to truth, voted three-to-two to “reclassify” the heretofore unclassified and unfettered broadband Internet and worldwide web as a common carrier service under Title II of the Communications Act.

LIONEL PODCAST: UFOs, Geoengineering & The Myth of ISIS’ Invisibility

Think this was some accident? That recently departed White House adviser Podesta just decided all of a sudden to drop this bombshell? Come on, Sparky, wake up. Something’s about to break and you’re being softened up. Because you’ve been under the illusion that UFOs are the subject and province of the nutjob, the loon. Not even close, my friend. So, where’s the mainstream media? Why haven’t they broached the subject now or ever? Because they’re feckless, impuissant geldings. No guts, no glory. No hits, no runs, no errors. Wouldn’t you have liked to hear about this?

LIONEL PODCAST: SNL40, Liberal Media & Other Misconceptions

Sorry, but this is the gold standard. Period. But I digress. It was perfection. Exquisite. The greatest comedy ensemble in recent time. It rivaled Your Show of Shows. It was that great. But it wasn’t live and that’s a factor that weighs considerably in the calculus of entertainment history. SNL enjoys an historical significance that can’t and shan’t be discounted. To be sure.

LIONEL PODCAST: Bob Simon Was What Bri-Wi Could Only Dream of Being

During the initial period of the Gulf War in January 1991, CBS news warrior Bob Simon was captured by Iraqi forces near the Saudi-Kuwaiti border. He and three other members of his crew spent 40 days in Iraqi prisons, which he wrote about in his book “Forty Days.” Simon then returned to Baghdad in January 1993 to cover the American bombing of Iraq. But here’s the takeaway. It really happened.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Jurassic News Industry Just Got Their Wakeup Call. Again!

Nothing’s changed. Nothing. The anchor. The “news.” Staid, starched and stiff. Your dad’s news. Rehashed and invariably irrelevant by the time it hits your brain at 6:30 PM. Dank, dreary and devoid. Devoid of “new” as news guarantees. Jon Stewart is a revolutionary. Bri-Wi wasn’t and isn’t. And what was and is the subject of the revolution? Stewart mocked the pretentious nature of the news, and its haughtiness; he cut through the dreck. It in fact was the news, not fake news.

LIONEL PODCAST: (TV News) The Perception of What’s Relevant Is What’s Relevant

Perception. Versus truth. Versus reality. It’s perception. Perception as to what’s critical and valid. The Brian Williams fiasco has hit critical mass and, frankly, my interest level has vanished altogether. What still is amazing to me is how politicians’ lies mean absolutely nothing. In the scheme of things, that is. In this podcast is a pastiche of subject matter that I trust you can follow with no difficulty. Confuse it not for desultory, it’s varied and winding. Stream of (un)consciousness. A thought collective. And psychically troubling. That’s the point.

LIONEL PODCAST: The United States of Surveillance

How cool is this, right? Samsung blues. (Apologies for the bad Neil Diamond pun.) Thanks again to the thorough research and journalism of Paul Joseph Watson. It seems a story of inconceivable importance has been issued yet it seems that all we apparently care about are trifling miscellany. As I’ve said before: beware of anything called Smart or Green. Why?