
Martin Luther King: The Cryptocracy’s Secret Weapon

Martin Luther King: The Cryptocracy’s  Weapon Against Black and White AmericaBy Michael Hoffman ©2017www.RevisionistHistory.orgWhy has Martin Luther King been made synonymous with Black American advancement? Mr. King destroyed the right of every American (Black and White) to choose who they will hire in their business, and who they may house on their private property.

10 Orwellian Moments Found in the Newly Leaked Private NSA Newsletters

(ANTIMEDIA) The Intercept recently began releasing batches of top secret internal newsletters from the most important division of the NSA, the Signals Intelligence Directorate, or SIGINT. This is basically the spy division. The internal newsletter, SIDtoday, was never meant to be read by anyone outside of the agency, but it trickled out with the Snowden leak and has been waiting for proper publication. The Intercept will release nine years worth of articles in batches.

Edward Snowden exposes the Orwellian state

The big news is that, in the words of George Orwell “Big Brother is Watching You” – indeed everyone’s online communications are being constantly monitored and stored by the US Security Services. The man behind exposing the creation of this “architecture of oppression” is Edward Snowden, an ex-employee of the National Security Agency (NSA) and […]