military industrial complex

Bi-Partisan! Senate Voted For More Death, More Destruction, More Chaos, More Campaign Contributions

Last month we looked at Ted Lieu's valiant crusade to wake members of Congress up to the dangers inherent in the American participation in the savage Saudi onslaught against Yemen. War monger and military-industrial complex whore Ed Royce has it tightly bottled up in the Foreign Affairs Committee but 4 senators brought it up on the other side of the Capitol yesterday.

How Dangerous Is NATO's Economic Purpose?

by Gaius PubliusI'm going to break the rule normally applied when one asks a question in a title ... by answering it immediately. Using NATO for economic purposes is very dangerous indeed, since it could, and perhaps will, lead to war.The stated purpose of NATO is "defense," yet it seems to exist for a different purpose — (a) to bring money into the coffers of U.S. corporations by strangling European trade with Russia as an economic competitor to the U.S., and (b) to guarantee billions of dollars in armament sales for U.S.

The Protocols of the Private Zone

BREXIT might be what one-hand-clapping sounds like. It might also be the reappearance of concerns relating to, “where have all the flowers gone”, where have all the manufacturing jobs disappeared to, where has all the untaxed wealth stashed itself, where have regulations protecting public interest gone to, or, a falling out of love with the Brussels techno-oligarchs and their boots-on-the-ground Mighty Mouse NATO Military.

Fearology and Militarism

Russia and NATO have offensive capacities and MIMACs (Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex) but NATO’s is a much larger potential threat to Russia than the other way around
Why does an alliance with such an overwhelming superiority shout and scream and see ghosts on the horizon when, in reality, there are none?
Why does it seem to be intellectually unable to see things from the side of its opponent? Is the show of strength in reality a sign of weakness?

BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for June 2016

DOD spent $25,448,646,000+ on 292 individual contracts during June 2016
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form.
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $25,448,646,000 on 292 individual contracts during June 2016.  This amount does not include 23 Foreign Military Sales transactions worth roughly $3,330,606,000.