Judith Curry, Free Speech Champion
A climatologist urges her community to stop defending Michael Mann.
A climatologist urges her community to stop defending Michael Mann.
15 months ago, it was a sin to declare out loud that the global temperature was no longer rising. Today, the IPCC, the UK Met office, and mainstream researchers are all admitting the obvious.
By Judith Curry | Climate Etc. | January 16, 2014
The hearing is now concluded, I’m on a plane flying back to Atlanta.
A bona fide climate scientist tells US Senators we have no idea whether human-caused global warming will be a serious problem. The media doesn't report it.
By Judith Curry | Climate Etc. | November 20, 2013
This list will help non-scientists to interrogate advisers and to grasp the limitations of evidence - William J. Sutherland, David Spiegelhalter and Mark A. Burgman.
As the gap between its models and reality has grown, the IPCC has become more adamant that its conclusions are correct - rather than more cautious.
Greenpeace says 95% certainty is the same as 100% certainty. Tell that to people who die on the operating table.