
Fukushima Flunks Decontamination

Japan’s Abe administration is pushing very hard to decontaminate land, roads, and buildings throughout Fukushima Prefecture, 105 cities, towns, and villages. Thousands of workers collect toxic material into enormous black one-ton bags, thereby accumulating gigantic geometric structures of bags throughout the landscape, looking evermore like the foreground of iconic ancient temples.

Hillary Caught On Tape Lying About Bernie Again-- In A Big Way

Donald Trump may be the biggest liar in the 2016 field but without that freak of nature in the campaign, it would certainly be Hillary Clinton in the #1 spot. She lies in a more standard politician fashion, like Cruz and Kasich. Her campaign is built on lies by professional liars (lobbyists). Her political career is built on lies. But all over the media ythis morning was her statement from yesterday: "I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me." Despite her bout of well-rehearsed anger, the problem is that she's, once again, full of crap.

What the Illegal, ‘Rogue’ GM Corn in China Says About GMO Regulation

Beijing has spent billions developing GMO crops in the hopes of securing food for its burgeoning population, but there has not yet been approval for the commercial cultivation of these crops, partly due to a deep-seated distrust of genetically modified crops by the Chinese public. Nonetheless, GM corn is already growing in China illegally, causing further distrust in the government’s ability to regulate GM crops.