
Why 25,000 Detroit Residents Will Soon Have Their Water Turned Off

The city of Detroit may be bankrupt financially, but moral bankruptcy abounds as well as city officials began handing out notices to as many as 25,000 residents to tell them that they have ten days to pay or their taps will be turned off.
“We want the water shut-offs to end. Period. End of story,” says DeMeeko Williams of the Detroit Water Brigade.

Bankrupt Detroit Still Paying For Fluoride – Even During Water Shut Down

As evidence and studies continue to mount against public water fluoridation, cities that continue to do so risk individual legal action for damages and human rights violations for force-medicating. In Detroit, after becoming the largest American city to file for bankruptcy, there is a move to quickly begin water shutoffs to “protect the city’s budget.” Yet there is still money to be found by the city to purchase hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluoride) from private companies to add to the water supply. In fact, it’s mandated by Detroit city ordinance:

Detroit: Water, Water, Everywhere, But Not A Drop To Drink

There's a horrible drought in California and I'm going to rip out my lawn and replace it with a rock and cactus garden, as several neighbors and friends already have. The city even offers a cash incentive for doing so. There are also serious drought conditions on northern Texas, western Nevada and southeastern Colorado. But not in Detroit-- nor anywhere in Michigan or Ohio (which is closer to Detroit than lots of Michigan itself is). Plenty of water there... except for people to use. Well, not all people.

Third annual Public Banking Institute conference to be held in Detroit

The Public Banking Institute has announced that its third annual conference will be held in Detroit in 2014. This follows on its conferences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and San Rafael, California. All three sites were chosen strategically, as Philadelphia was where the Constitutional Convention took place, it was the original seat of the U.S. government, and […]