Democratic civil war

Bernie Should Continue Fighting For What He Believes In And Not Buckle To The Pressure From The Forces Of Hell

Never mind that Clinton-- literally wondering if her rival might get assassinated-- stayed in the 2008 primary 'til the bitter end, hoping for a miracle that would hand her, not Obama, the nomination. Now her camp is growing increasingly hysterical and over-the-top about Bernie's determination to stay 'til the end.

Dianne Feinstein And Joe Manchin Will Teach Bernie How To Be A Democrat

Just before Harvey Milk was assassinated by a right-wing freak at the end of November, 1978 I had been spending a lot of time with him at his camera store, next door to my business partner's record store, Aquarius, on Castro Street. Harvey didn't have enough foul stuff to say about a fellow Supervisor Dianne Feinstein who was, along with the murderer, Dan White, the persona who represented the Republican interests on the Board. Harvey told me many times why he could never trust her. And she was the greatest beneficiary of the assassinations that November.

Oh, Yes, PLENTY Of Fundamental Differences

Vice president Biden, a full-on corporate shill and establishment careerist since the beginning of time, was traveling in Ohio yesterday when he reassured anyone who might be reassured by something he says that he's "confident that Bernie will be supportive if Hillary wins, which the numbers indicate will happen. So I'm not worried. There's no fundamental split in the Democratic Party." No fundamental split...

Has Hillary Changed Since She Unleashed The Clinton Machine On Obama In 2008?

An old friend, the guy who made the video above, came over for a visit Sunday. It reminded me of what Bernie has been having to go through as he tries delivering his message about the corruption that has gripped the transpartisan Beltway establishment. I want to ask you to watch that short video clip. I want you to see it so you can watch how the same ugly, deceitful and divisive tactics the Clinton Machine is using to destroy Bernie comes right from the playbook she used against Obama in 2008.

The Hillary Surrogates Turning Increasingly Foul-- Winning Dirty Is A Bad Longterm Game Plan

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, aside from being a tool of the tech industry, is a middle-of-the-road Democrat, not a Blue Dog or a corrupt New Dem, not a progressive, just a Democrat doing a job. Her district encompasses the southern and eastern half of San Jose from Japantown and Alum Rock and runs down the 101 Freeway past Morgan Hill, almost to Gilroy. Once upon a time she was an idealist and an activist.