Shut In, Shut Down, Shut Up: Three Years after Mavi Marmara
By Greta Berlin | Palestine Chronicle | May 20 2013
By Greta Berlin | Palestine Chronicle | May 20 2013
By Alison Weir | MEMO | May 1, 2013
Thirteen years ago I knew very little about Israel-Palestine. Like most Americans, this seemed to be a distant, confusing conflict that had little to do with me. I was unaware –again, like most Americans – that American taxpayers give Israel over $8 million per day, more than we give to any other nation.
By Cynthia McKinney | April 29, 2013
It is fitting that on the same day as this headline appeared, “Pro-Israeli US lawmakers urge bombing Syria air bases, arming militants, invasion” I delivered the following remarks to the United Nations International Meeting on the Question of Palestine:
From Cynthia McKinney: Remarks at the UN International Meeting on Palestine in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia