

Photo: EPA

Hillary’s mass of deceptions and terrible associations and rotten personality really do not matter because America’s real government, its ongoing unelected one, allows no President to depart much from the established script. The last one who made a serious try had half his head blasted into the streets of Dallas.


Who says that the House's head Benghazi witch-hunter, Rep. Trey "Benghazi or Bust!" Gowdy, isn't a man of principle?

Head House GOP Benghazi witch-hunter Rep. Trey Gowdy makes good his pledge not to fund-raise off Benghazi. If only somebody'd told the Virginia GOP fund-raisers who booked him for their "Beyond Benghazi" event!by KenPeople think it's a piece of cake being a pile of right-wing pondscum. You just lie your putrid guts out and then sing and dance, tra-la!If they only knew!

Facts Be Damned-- As Usual-- The Republican Party Has No Intention Of Giving Up On "Benghazi"

Boehner, McConnell and, with them, the Republican-dominated Congress, slinked out of town Friday for another epic paid vacation... instead of dealing with raising the minimum wage, crumbling U.S. infrastructure, student-loan reform and other matters the American public-- overwhelmingly-- wants dealt with (or even what Fox and Hate Talk Radio consumers want them to deal with).

Dementedly truth-free right-wingers double down on their bottom line: "We can't (or just don't wanna) handle the truth!"

This hilarious photo of Chairman Trey -- master of the House's select committee on Benghazi Made-Up Stuff -- was posted with Dana Milbank's column. It looks like the chairman is wearing the suit (and tie) his mommy bought for him the day he first went out selling snake oil."The Republican Party has finally admitted what has been fairly obvious for much of the past six years: It produces fake news.

While Republicans Bicker, Whine, Posture And Stab Each Other In The Back, Obama Keeps His Eye On The Ball-- Captures Ahmed Abu Khatallah

The sick and obstructionist Republican peanut gallery-- largely driven by the vile racist neo-Confederates in their caucus-- seems to be incapable of accepting the reality that the American people elected Barack Obama, an African-American, to the presidency… twice.