
Porkins Policy Radio episode 85 The Truth Shall Make You Free with Aaron Franz

Good friend Aaron Franz joins me on the show this week to discuss our recent work in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. We begin by talking about some of the behind the scenes aspects of the issue. I talk about the whole process of how the issue came into being from the initial offer from Clifford Cobb, getting all the writers together, and dealing with all the road bumps along the way. Aaron and I talk about the actual writing process and the challenges involved in writing for an academic journal.

Je rêvais d’un autre Monde… Réenchanté !

Imaginez une plateforme qui à la fois récence les alternatives, participe à trouver leur financement, et met en contact les jeunes citoyens qui veulent donner du sens à leur quotidien. Le tout en encourageant l’éducation populaire, par la réalisation de supports pédagogiques en allant filmer leurs aventures, vers un monde réenchanté !


Scientists Have Actually Discovered a Link Between Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll
(ANTIMEDIA) Music is a human tradition passed on from days predating recorded history. It is a universal language that has found a way to transcend communication of emotion beyond spoken words. It is found in all sectors of society, from religious ceremonies to raves.
The emotional impact music has on the human mind is well known. We can affirm this through common experience. Yet, the question has remained: how?