Videos & Audio

Radioactive Floods Recontaminate Japan

Last week a serious typhoon hit eastern Japan creating flooding that has not occurred for at least 50 years. Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator and owner of the triple meltdown site Fukushima Daiichi, admitted that drainage pumps at Fukushima failed and radioactive water once again poured into the Pacific. But what about the extraordinary amount of radioactive cesium, strontium, and other isotopes spread hundreds of miles from the nuclear catastrophe site yet to be cleaned up and now displaced by the flood into newly contaminated villages?

Tesla's Game Changer

Historians will look back at 2015 as the turning point for producing electricity during the 21st century. The data is in: building new nuclear power plants is too expensive and takes too long. Global climate change can be prevented with a renewable electric grid that will become the new normal. The forecast is simple: dirty forms of energy like coal, nuclear, oil, and fracked gas are no longer cheaper and certainly not cleaner or safer then renewable alternative power like solar, wind, wave, and geothermal.

What is Radiation?

People want to know about radiation exposures and doses.In this video produced by Natural Dentistry in Clearwater, Florida, Dr. Ray Behm interviews Fairewinds President Maggie Gundersen and Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen as they explain the difference between ‘background’ radiation and man-made radiation as well as clarify what’s really going on with added fluoride in drinking water. Recently released and put together from clips filmed in December 2013, this informative conversation will help clarify the question, “What is radiation?”

And the winners are...

Thank you so much to all who have donated this summer to support our site! The Fairewinds Crew is greatly appreciative of all the generosity we receive from our viewers, by way of monetary donations, and also through increased viewership, social media support, and encouraging notes and emails. Thank you for being a part of the Fairewinds community. It was a treat once again to work with best-selling author Chris Bohjalian for this year's Summer FUNdraising Raffle, and Fairewinds is excited to announce the winners who will be receiving a signed copy of Mr.