Video Report

Weinstein’s Hollywood & Stephen King’s ‘IT’ – A Curious Parallel (Video)

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire

Harvey Weinstein is being portrayed as the root of all problems in Hollywood – “patriarchal males” – as if this were solely a feminism issue. The root problem is much worse, which is the systematic using of people and children, as well as promoting a mass agenda that is intent on the psychosexual damaging of humanity, globally.

VIDEO Report- 60 Years of Strife: Ending War in Korea

On the surface, the casual observer of Korea could be forgiven for forgetting that the nation is still at war. The South has been utterly transformed since the days of the fighting, with the impressive skyline of modern-day Seoul reflecting the country’s modern, high-tech economy. Even the DMZ has been tamed and gentrified, with souvenir shops and tourist attractions mingling seamlessly with military personnel whose presence at times seems more ceremonial than operational.