The War on UNESCO: Al-Aqsa Mosque is Palestinian and East Jerusalem is illegally occupied

By Ramzy Baroud | Ma’an | October 26, 2016 Did Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, actually read the full text of the UNESCO resolution on Palestine and Israel, before he raved with anger? “I think this is a mistaken, inconceivable resolution,” he said. “It is not possible to continue with these resolutions at the UN […]

The War on UNESCO

Did Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, actually read the full text of the UNESCO resolution on Palestine and Israel, before he raved with anger?
“I think this is a mistaken, inconceivable resolution,” he said.
“It is not possible to continue with these resolutions at the UN and UNESCO that aim to attack Israel. It is shocking and I have ordered that we stop taking this position (his country’s abstention) even if it means diverging from the position taken by the rest of Europe,” he added.

Highlighting Israeli violations of a world heritage site is not ‘inflammatory’, UNESCO, it’s a duty

By Nasim Ahmed | MEMO | October 15, 2016 A draft decision by UNESCO, which criticises Israel’s activities at holy places in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, has been denounced by Israeli officials. “It ignores thousands of years of Jewish ties to Jerusalem and aids Islamist terror,” claimed Education Minister Naftali Bennett very dramatically. […]

Un document scientifique de plus qui, à lui seul, met à mal le mythe des chambres à gaz hitlériennes

Depuis le début des années 1960, d’abord dans mes recherches, puis dans mes articles, études ou livres j’ai abondamment traité des raisons scientifiques pour lesquelles les prétendues chambres à gaz hitlériennes n’ont pas existé ni même pu exister. Je ne rappellerai pas ces raisons. Pour une fois, je me contenterai de ne présenter ici qu’un document et un seul à l’appui de la conclusion de mes recherches.

DOUBLE AGENDA: US State Dept Fails to Say If ISIS Must Be Pushed From Palmyra, or Not

21st Century Wire says…
Here is a good example of how tangled the western foreign policy agenda is when it comes to Syria and ISIS.
Faced with the reality that they have been backing a losing side in Syria for the past 6 years, a confused Washington DC still clings to old public relations tagline like, ‘Assad Must Go’, and still push out the idea that somehow the government in Damascus is more dangerous than a known terrorist petulance like ISIS.