ULEZ Expansion Scheme

Khan’s Deputy Urged Scientists to Alter Study Showing Emissions Scheme Had No Impact on Child Health

Leaked emails reveal that London's Deputy Mayor tried to alter a scientific study's conclusion on the low emissions zone's impact on children's health, aiming to boost the evidence of harm to children's lungs.
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Meet the Blade Runners – The Underground Activist Group Waging War on Sadiq Khan’s Ulez Monitors

Activists, dubbed ‘Blade Runners’, have been captured on video targeting Ulez cameras in London in a protest against Mayor Sadiq Khan's environmental vehicle policies. The footage has quickly gone viral online.
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Revealed: Ulez Expansion Predicted to Cut Air Pollution by Just 1.5%

Alex Kriel has dug into the figures produced by the Mayor of London to justify the Ulez expansion and found they predict it will cut air pollution by just 1.5% while taking no account of the harms from loss of income.
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High Court Ruling Sparks Labour Civil War as Sadiq Khan’s Ulez Scheme Given Go Ahead

A Labour civil war looms as the London Mayor defiantly pledges to roll out his controversial Ulez expansion scheme from August 29th. Will Keir Starmer now intervene to stop him?
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