tax policies
Why Is Paul Ryan Trying To Harm The Electric Car Industry With His Tax Scam?
Ryan's Tax Scam certainly picks winner and losers-- it is designed that way-- and although people in blue states like California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois are singled out for the worst treatment, people who drive electric cars are also targeted. Yesterday, released a study showing that that electric vehicles will be hard hit by Ryan's scam.
In Washington Everyone Hates The Most Toxic Swamp Creature Of All, Donald J. Trump
Poor Trumpanzee. Everyone knows what an incompetent imbecile he is-- and Republicans in high positions increasingly are forced to bite their tongues to pretend otherwise. Some just can't do it any longer. Yesterday, BuzzFeed's Joseph Bernstein reported that last July National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster just couldn't take it any longer and let Oracle CEO Safra Catz know what he thinks of the orange pile of amorphous dung he works for.
Democrats Should Aim To Replace An Even 100 GOP Congressmembers
The DCCC launched an on-line ad campaign against something like 40 Republicans, including 9 California targets: Jeff Denham, Devin Nunes, David Valadao, Steve Knight, Ed Royce, Mimi Walters, Dana Rohrabacher, Darrell Issa, and Duncan Hunter. I'm sure there's a reason they're not including House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in the campaign (nor for that matter Paul Ryan. Oh, that's right, Pelosi doesn't believe in targeting Republican leaders; I almost forgot.
Will Trump's Penchant For Making Enemies Kill Ryan's Tax Scam Bill In The Senate?
The more that comes out about the Republican Tax Scam bills, the worse it looks. The latest version is a very anti-education bill, targeting deductions for teacher out-of-pocket spending and for research by graduate students and eliminating student loan deductibility while keeping carried interest.
Tax Deductions For Earthquakes Are Erased From The Tax Code-- But Not Tax Deductions For Hurricanes (Or Private Jets)
I don't have a private jet; never did. But... I sort of did. I was the president of a division of TimeWarner and the company had private jets. All I had to do was call and say I need a jet and I could fly anywhere I wanted. You knowhow many time I did that? Zero, never once. That's because it's incredibly expensive and a horrifying waste of money that could have been spent on helping break out artists (for example).
Republicans Choking On Ryan's Tax Scam?
Ryan got his Republican tax scam through the House yesterday 227-205. No one doubted it would pass the House. Only 13 Republicans dared to stand up for their constituents instead of the multimillionaires and billionaires who will benefit from this travesty. Most were from New York, New Jersey and California.
Ryan-Trump Tax Bill Reorders America's National Priorities-- National Suicide
Most discussion of the Ryan/Trump tax bill is about how it will, overt time, raise taxes on the middle class to transfer immense wealth to the very wealthy. But there's a lot more in the details, scores of details that need to be addressed. Education is one. This is an incredibly anti-education document. And education is, after all, our country's future-- something Trump and Ryan have ever evidenced any interest in whatsoever. Higher education takes it in the neck from the bill... and all to make the very rich very much richer.
Midnight Meme Of The Day!
-by NoahIn the wake of Tuesday's election debacle for the Repug Party, there are reports that American Terrorist Paul Ryan and his congressional cohorts are panicking over the fact that they have done nothing other than rename a few post offices and highways; no legislation of consequence. Given the psychotic tendencies of Republicans and what they'd like to do to us, that's actually a good thing.
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