Public School Students Are the New Inmates in the American Police State
If you want a nation of criminals, treat the citizenry like criminals
If you want a nation of criminals, treat the citizenry like criminals
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.—Martin Luther King Jr.
Ruled by an oligarchy disguised as a democracy on our way towards fascism
“You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you. You're wrong. Dead wrong.”—They Live
There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media.
DoD Officials Claim Training is Part of the Solution, Not the Problem
By Bill Conroy
The U.S. government has spent more than $62 million since fiscal year 2010 providing highly specialized training to Mexican security forces, including some $16.3 million in fiscal 2013, as part of an effort to help Mexico better prosecute its war on drugs, records made public under the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act show.
A questionable infringement justified in the name of safety to all-out tyranny
“I thought I was losing my capacity to be shocked — but events in Missouri over just the last couple of hours have crossed a frightening line, one that makes me pray that this assault on fundamental American values is just the aberration of one rudderless Heartland community, and not the first symptoms of nation gone mad with high-tech weaponry to keep its own citizens in line.”—Journalist Will Bunch
“Obedience is the precondition to totalitarianism, and the precondition to obedience is fear.”
“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”-Edward Abbey, American author
There’s a lot to love about America and its people: their pioneering spirit, their entrepreneurship, their ability to think outside the box, their passion for the arts, etc. Increasingly, however, as time goes by, I find the things I don’t like about living in a nation that has long since ceased to be a sanctuary for freedom are beginning to outnumber the things I love.
DHS: A beast that is accelerating our nation’s transformation into a police state
“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison
“Here [in New Mexico], we are moving more toward a national police force. Homeland Security is involved with a lot of little things around town. Somebody in Washington needs to call a timeout.” —Dan Klein, retired Albuquerque Police Department sergeant
The Sheeple Brutalized & Murdered by Police Psychopaths
The worse threat every American faces comes from his/her own government.
At the federal level the threat is a seventh war (Syria) in 12 years, leading on to the eighth and ninth (Iran and Lebanon) and then on to nuclear war with Russia and China.