Jeff Sessions

Jeff Sessions’ Dog Whistle to White Supremacy: Sheriffs Guard Our “Anglo-American Heritage”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions addressed a meeting of the National Sheriff’s Association on February 12 in Washington. As the nation’s chief law enforcer, Sessions was “among friends” and such an appearance should have been uneventful. What could possibly go wrong? Well … it appears that the Attorney General may have improvised a bit in his speech, straying away from the prepared remarks he was supposed to have given.

How Uncle Sam Launders Marijuana Money

In a blatant example of “do as I say, not as I do,” the US government is profiting handsomely by accepting marijuana cash in the payment of taxes while imposing huge penalties on banks for accepting it as deposits. Onerous reporting requirements are driving small local banks to sell out to Wall Street. Congress needs to harmonize federal with state law.

Roger Stone: Sessions' Anti-Pot Agenda: "A Vote Loser And Inconsistent With What The President Promised The American People"

I spent 4 years of college getting high-- very, very high. It was like my major. And then I stopped. Boom-- one day, sitting on the border between Pakistan and India waiting for paperwork so I could drive my car across the border, it was over. Barely out of my teens, my tortured prayers were answered.

Ron Paul: Just Say No to Jeff Sessions

(RPI— Attorney General Jeff Sessions kicked off the New Year by reversing the Obama-era guidance for federal prosecutors to limit their enforcement of federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized marijuana for medical or recreational use. In what is almost certainly not a coincidence, Sessions’ announcement came days after California’s law legalizing recreational marijuana sales went into effect.

Reefer Madness: Jeff Sessions begins to restore enforcement of cannabis laws

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