Rejoice! We Have Millions of Whales
Whales are at no risk of extinction. When 50,000-strong species are classified as 'endangered,' words don't mean what we think they do.
Whales are at no risk of extinction. When 50,000-strong species are classified as 'endangered,' words don't mean what we think they do.
Humpback whales are thriving, but an activist fundraising campaign says they're on the brink of extinction.
The giant panda is no longer listed as an endangered species, which is fabulous news for this gorgeous creature. However, it is still on the list of vulnerable animals, meaning it isn’t completely in the clear. [1]
The global elite simply love global warming and climate change because it gives them the justification to regulate every single aspect of our lives. Former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and her global elite puppeteers, desperately want to control…Read more →
The WWF utilized UN press conference facilities yesterday. It's doing so again today.