
Easter Symbolizes a New Hope for Life and Liberty

The work of liberty unfolds over time like the dawn of spring itself, or the unfolding of Easter in the ancient Christian liturgy. What is possible in this world is a slow realization, born first of awe, then turning to a new consciousness, unfolding in gradual celebration, and culminating in a message to the entire world. Liberty is what allows us all to cast off the old world of authority and imposition and sing a new song of freedom the world over.

Video: The TRUTH About Christmas, Holidays, and Giving

Have you ever wished that every day could be like Christmas, with everyone enjoying the ‘Christmas spirit’ all year-round? Why is it that we use the holiday season as a reason for being especially giving and cheerful, when in fact this is the way we should strive to be every single day?
In this video, I break down the truth about Christmas and all holidays, explaining how the holiday spirit should extend to all 365 days of the year.