
President Putin’s anti-fake news law is brilliant, but the West makes more

The TASS Russian News Agency reported on March 18th that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed off on a new law intended to block distorted or untrue information being reported as news. Promptly after he did so, Western news organizations began their attempt to “spin” this event as some sort of proof of “state censorship” in the oppressive sense of the old Soviet Union. In other words, a law designed to prevent fake news was used to create more fake news.

The Ochelli Effect – Psychotherapy For Media Exhaustion

On this particular Ochelli Effect, Michael Swanson went into a direction that Chuck did not expect. The industry of Psychology and MkUltra were discussed as inspired by Mike’s interest in the Documentary Wormwood. It was quite unique among all the dialogs with Mike on the show over the years. How does this relate to what Mike knows about his father?