I just got a few emails sent my way from colleagues stating that there have been massive protest rallies happening right now, today, in Europe against this entire fraud 'scam-demic'....I finally sat down a while ago and pulled up several videos on these rallies, especially the ones in the United Kingdom and Germany, and I am so amazed.. We here in North America need these type of rallies right here against these criminal bastards, for obviously the good people of Europe have had enough of the bullshit and are out there in the streets protesting today!In fact, I was sent the link to a video that was just released earlier today of the protest rally in Trafalgar Square in London England that has none other than David Icke as the feature speaker for the masses... Here in fact is that amazing video of David Icke speaking, and I do hope that everyone pays heed to what he is stating for the fact that it is absolutely the truth... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: Yes, the Europeans are indeed waking up and have had enough..... I am so ashamed that this type of rally is not going on right now here in North America, but instead we have those gawd damn 'riots' by that Communist Insurgency group called "BLM" instead!I for one want to see this spread, and to see people everywhere finally say enough is enough and if necessary force the capitulation of their crooked governments... This scam-demic has gone on far too long and the criminals responsible must not be allowed to escape real justice for their crimes...And as usual, since this one is via 'Youtube', I am assuming that it will not last too long thanks to the horrific 'censorship' conducted by the Jewish pricks that run that disgusting platform... If Youtube has the nerve to pull this one down, I will find the bit chute link and have that in this one's place ASAP...Please share this video with everyone and show them that there is indeed resistance to this fraud scam-demic and that resistance to such criminality is NOT futile!More to comeNTSUpdate: If you find the above video too 'garbled' and hard to even understand, I have another video of that same David Icke speech here thanks to Peekay Censored out of Australia right here:As far as I am concerned, this and what happened in Berlin on the same day may indeed be a day when future generations look back and say that the start of the end of tyranny began in London and Berlin!