With Wes Bertrand and Matt Amberson Discussed Today:An introductory discussion about breaking the cycle of trauma inheritance. How do we acknowledge childhood trauma? Are we all being effected? What is the ACES? What do the scores mean?Look Closer: Amazon.com WidgetsComplete Liberty Inside Out: Honoring Yourself and Others for Optimal Enrichment - http://amzn.to/1B1CdFoWes: CompleteLiberty.com/ - http://completeliberty.com/Matt: DeadEasyLife.com - http://deadeasylife.com/Linking childhood trauma to long-term health and social consequences: What is The ACE Study? - http://www.acestudy.org/AcesTooHigh.com/ - http://acestoohigh.com/Happiness Counseling Resources - http://happinesscounseling.com/happiness-resources/CLP Episode 212 - Adverse Childhood Experiences and reflections on therapeutic solutions - http://completeliberty.com/magazine/read/episode-212---adverse-childhoo…The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma - http://www.amazon.com/The-Body-Keeps-Score-Healing/dp/0670785938Peter Gerlack on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCegNhGTqlWjgOqaCsj_7pxw