Doonesbury Watch: Ms. Caucus goes to law school (with Saturday UPDATE)

The Caucus family treeby KenI've made no secret of the fact that of all the Doonesbury characters, it seems to be Joanie Caucus who exerts the strongest pull on me, and one thing that the apparently unending world of Doonesbury weekday reruns archival flashbacks has made possible for us is to revisit the long path Joanie has traveled, from her flight from an abusive husband to the position of day-care provider for the Walden Commune on up to her coming out of retirement to join the Senate staff of Elizabeth Warren -- and also embracing, or at any rate falling into, the role of great-grandmotherdom since the birth of her grandddaughter Alex's twins.When last we encountered "Flashback" Joanie, she had set her sights on moving up from day care to the law ("When Joanie Caucus applied to law school"), though despite her kids' support, the law schools she was applying to didn't seem to see much future for her in the profession.Right away we're introduced to two new characters.DOONESBURY by G. B. Trudeau[Click on any strip to enlarge -- nice and big (I think!).]MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayEXCUSE ME? "SHE SAID FOR YOU TO MAKE IT"???Hmm, that doesn't seem likely to go over well, given Joanie's history, does it? I don't know whether this plot line is going to extend into another week, but we know we've got one more day at least, and I for once can wait to see whether we see Joanie drag herself out of bed to make Clyde breakfast.SATURDAY UPDATE: AND HERE IT IS --SaturdayOh, Joanie, Joanie! Still a long ways to go.#
