Definite MUST SEE Video: Brave Young German Girl Tells The Truth About Germany's Present Migrant And "Refugee" Crisis

I, like others, have been watching what has been happening in Europe with this flood of illegal migrant workers, and so called Muslim refugees, with increasing disgust... What is happening in Europe right now is indeed the destruction of the white races in European nations as well as the outright end of Europe as a whole... I have said it before and I will say it again that this is by design and is written right in the criminal Jewish blueprint for world domination, their Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion..... To me, it is also shocking that the governments in these nations do NOTHING to stop this onslaught and it seems that they too are in bed with the Jewish power elite and are willing to have their nations destroyed...The problem with these illegal migrant workers from Africa and the so called Muslims flooding in from the Middle East seems to be at is worse when it comes to the proud nation of Germany... It does seem that the criminal masterminds behind this human disaster do indeed have Germany in particular targeted for destruction....I came across the following very important video that many have already seen, but I want to share with those who have not seen it themselves here.... This video shows a very brave young 16 year old German girl telling the truth about what she and others in Germany are going through right now as their nation is indeed being destroyed by these migrants and criminals that the German government is so willing to allow into their nation.... Here is that video, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  What is truly disgusting is that this young lady has been targeted now and is possibly going to be charged with "hate speech" for speaking out against the destruction of her own nation.. How disgusting is that?I also do support what this lady states about Angela Merkel and that criminal's refusal to do anything to stem or to even stop the destruction of her nation... It does appear that Angela, that many say is Jewish herself, is part of the problem and is indeed in bed with the criminal Jewish elite that has now targeted Germany for its demise....The German people MUST protest and demand proper action by their own government, or have that government immediately thrown out of office for its criminal actions in allowing this disaster to take place...Yes, what has happened in Germany now should be a wake up call for all of us.... Everyone should go to their own governments and absolutely demand an immediate halt to allowing these migrants and "refugees" into our nations...Better yet... If the Jew spew media continues to lie that the majority of these migrants are coming from "Syria" then why not demand that they be sent back to Syria itself?  Consider the fact that the Syrian government is now definitely winning their war against the fraud of ISIS and their nation is now being cleared of all insurgents, mercenaries, and so called "rebels", then why not rightfully have them returned to Syria so that they can help fight for and rebuild their own nation?  Why send them to our nations where they are nothing more than a burden on our already strained welfare systems, and in other cases are nothing but criminals to start with?  Logically this is a better choice than allowing them to ruin our nations....More to comeNTS