The COVID-19 Bullshit: Important Video Interview With Doctor Sherri Tenpenny - This Is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetuated On The Human Race

I honestly am sick and tired of this fraudulent COVID-19 pandemic.... I have now put up some 120 articles over the last two months alone attacking this fraud head on as I am hoping that people would stop being afraid and start getting both mad and showing defiance against the fraud "rules" imposed thanks to this scam everywhere!   We all must fight back against this scam by every means possible, for the criminals behind this scam have a multi faceted agenda including destroying the world economies,  population control, and mass surveillance over everyone.... I continue to get a massive amount of emails and a lot of comments that contain links to a wide range of material that readers and commentators are always asking me to look at and to consider adding to this blog material.... I do want to thank readers for their contributions in this fight of course, and will continue to put up a lot of valuable videos and articles to help them to understand and to give to others about this scam...I was sent the following video via email from a fellow colleague and I knew right away it belonged here for everyone to see for themselves.... This one is a recent interview between Activist Post writer Spiro Skouras and a Doctor Sherri Tenpenny who has written a lot of material about the dangers of vaccinations at her website at The video interview is entitled: "Dr. Tenpenny: This Is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetuated On The Human Race" and absolutely is a must listen to by everyone to give them once again a full understanding of the dangers of vaccinations and the dangers of this mandatory vaccination scam that the criminals are wanting as part of their COVID-19 fraud..   Here in fact is that video right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  Honestly, the more you are informed about the dangers of vaccines and vaccinations over all the more you absolutely refuse to let these bastards inject their poisons into your body!IMHO, this is one of the best interviews done so far that exposes the truth about vaccines... I have done my own research and written many articles at this blog containing facts and figures about how vaccinations have always been a scam, and Dr Tenpenny lays it out very nicely and eloquently in this interview for people to easily understand...I will say it again.. Absolutely refuse to allow these criminal bastards to force you into being vaccinated against this bullshit Coronavirus..... The poisons and the surveillance chips that they have planned to bei injected into our bodies will do FAR more harm than this "disease" itself......And get outside and stop being couped up in your homes during this pandemic fraud.... Sunlight and natural expose to germs in our atmosphere and from other people is so important in building up a proper and healthy immune system....And for fuck sake, do not fall for the scam of putting on a "facial mask" for what that does is NOT keep you healthy but forces any harmful germs that your body is trying to expel naturally through respiration to be FORCED back into your body... Thus those ludicrous masks are doing the opposite of keeping people healthy by actually making the idiots out there that are wearing them even MORE sick by having their own germs put back into their bodies!!!   I for one will never ever wear such a mask and can only laugh at the idiots out there that are stupid enough to put one on....More to comeNTS