Vultures or Pigs?

I get it – its a tough choice.
Vultures graze death. They pick clean the refuse. Stalk, and Feed off poverty.
Pigs on the other hand eat anything. Everything. Dead or alive. The same with Lobsters, shrimp, and catfish… Its maybe why they taste so good.
So many of my friends & family are with the vultures.
– The others… with the pigs.

@ Animal Farm.
Some animals are more equal than others.

And dont get me started on the lizards. Disrespectful of the recently departed; David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Even a broken reaper is right twice a day.
Populism is waning – like a wore out commercial. 80s Hair metal.
Vultures circle the pigs…
Corporatism is waxing – because voting with your money is a sin.
Pigs throw dead meat for the vultures.
Not Vultures, not pigs. Not Horses, mules, rats, roaches, poodles, or prey.
Not robots, not Soylent Green, not batteries, or guinea pigs. Not chicken, or egg, or grist, or clone.

Spores. We grow.

