20th Anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s Death – Jack Blood EXCLUSIVE with Sub Pop Founder Bruce Pavitt: Experiencing Grunge, Kurt’s Death, Politics, and the Music Biz 2014

Anecdotes and rare conversation you only hear on THE JACK BLOOD SHOW!
On this auspicious anniversary, Jack Blood interviews Bruce Pavitt – a co-founder of Seattle’s  Sub Pop Records…. The label that discovered Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Mudhoney (among others) .
Bruce has a newish book out that is a MUST HAVE for Nirvana / “grunge” fans.
Bruce drops a few bombshells regarding Kurt’s “suicide”, a new investigation… One that we know know was suppressed again…. and how he lost heavy on the popping of the 2008 Financial meltdown.
We also get into “Change we can Believe in” (ahem) and how the music business has changed for the worse, and the better.
Get the book HERE: www.experiencingnirvana.com


GET The Book in Electronic Form @ Kindle

The 8 Days

Experiencing Nirvana: Grunge in Europe, 1989, is an epic grunge micro-history that covers a crucial eight-day period in the touring lives of early Nirvana, Tad and Mudhoney. From Nirvana’s temporary breakup in Rome to their pivotal performance at Sub Pop’s LameFest UK showcase in London, Sub Pop founder Bruce Pavitt, through words and photos, provides an intimate look into events that helped kindle a world-wide cultural phenomenon.

Sub Pop Co-Founder Revisits 1989 Rome Trip With Kurt Cobain

Bruce Pavitt’s new e-book recalls a more innocent, but no less fragile, future star


Also mentioned – THIS new Sub Pop we LOVE…. METZ
