Trey Gowdy

How Vain Is Trey Gowdy-- And Don't Call It Plastic Surgery

The congressman who represents the two most backward counties in South Carolina, Greenville and Spartanburg, is 51 year old fashion-plate Trey Gowdy. Gowdy first came to Congress as a page sponsored by vicious racist Strom Thurmond. It's not clear if he's one of the pages who laid with Mark Foley or not, but Gowdy had fun as a page and decided he wanted to grow up to be a real congressman.

Mainstream Conservative Richard Hanna (R-NY) Spills The Beans On GOP Benghazi Hypocrisy

When New York lost two House seats after the 2010 census, the 24th CD morphed into a slightly redder 22nd CD that includes not just Utica and Rome, but also Binghamton way down south, which used to be part of Maurice Hinchey's very blue district. In 2010 Republican multimillionaire Richard Hanna ran-- for a second time-- against cowardly freshman Blue Dog Richard Arcuri, who lost much of the district's progressive base by voting against the Affordable Care Act and obsessively carrying water for Wall Street.

Grayson On The New McCarthyism: You're Not Supposed To Use Taxpayer Funds For A Political Witch Hunt

Sensibly, the New York Times is now calling for Congress to shut down the Benghazi Committee, as have many Members of Congress, including Rules Committee ranking member Louise Slaughter. Rep. Alan Grayson of Orlando went one step further and filed an ethics complaint today against Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Benghazi Committee chairman Trey Gowdy.

Who says that the House's head Benghazi witch-hunter, Rep. Trey "Benghazi or Bust!" Gowdy, isn't a man of principle?

Head House GOP Benghazi witch-hunter Rep. Trey Gowdy makes good his pledge not to fund-raise off Benghazi. If only somebody'd told the Virginia GOP fund-raisers who booked him for their "Beyond Benghazi" event!by KenPeople think it's a piece of cake being a pile of right-wing pondscum. You just lie your putrid guts out and then sing and dance, tra-la!If they only knew!

Dementedly truth-free right-wingers double down on their bottom line: "We can't (or just don't wanna) handle the truth!"

This hilarious photo of Chairman Trey -- master of the House's select committee on Benghazi Made-Up Stuff -- was posted with Dana Milbank's column. It looks like the chairman is wearing the suit (and tie) his mommy bought for him the day he first went out selling snake oil."The Republican Party has finally admitted what has been fairly obvious for much of the past six years: It produces fake news.

Pelosi Should Appoint Only One Democrat To Trey Gowdy's Witch Hunt Committee: Alan Grayson

When a tiny handful of slime ball conservaDems like Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Patrick Murphy (FL) and John Barrow (GA) conspired with the House Republicans to ramp up the politically and financially-motivated Benghazi witch hunt last week, I floated the idea of Pelosi doing the one thing better than boycotting it: just appointing a single Democrat to call out the GOP on their ugly partisan attacks. And who better than Oralndo truth teller Alan Grayson? Answer: no one.

Because Darrell Issa Is Too Lame To Have Succeeded At His Witch Hunt… Here's Feebleminded Trey Gowdy!

Several Beltway trade magazines referred to the 7 reactionary Democrats who voted with the Republicans Thursday for their deranged Benghazi witch hunt as "moderates." I assume they are using the term "moderate," as they always do, to connote "not progressive" and as a substitute for "conservative." "Moderate" actually is the opposite of "extremist," not the opposite of "liberal." In fact, the 7 pro-witch hunters all among the most conservative Democrats in Congress.