[Vidéo] Là où les putains n’existent pas, par Arte
Un intéressant reportage qui fait réfléchir à la puissance d’un Gouvernement..
Source : Arte, 06-02-2018
Un intéressant reportage qui fait réfléchir à la puissance d’un Gouvernement..
Source : Arte, 06-02-2018
Invisible futuristic missile shields, Global Engagement Center and the step app teacher's strike + this day in history w/the Weather Underground's accidental bombing and our song of the day w/Little Dragon on your Morning Monarchy for March 6, 2018.
I'm guessing Axl Rose hasn't taught AC/DC how to do this one yet... but maybe he should. It was the final song on Chinese Democracy (2008), although Axl had been working it for nearly a decade. Axl wrote it with Robin and Paul. So it's not he doesn't know anything about prostitutes. He knows one when he sees one, that's for sure.
Oxfam has outdone itself. In the murky, squalid business where charity seems to chase, then embed itself in disaster zones like a dedicated virus, Oxfam ranks highly. In terms of a tally, the number of reported abuses in the charity sector is galloping ahead, with one of Britain’s most noted charities in the lead.
Imagine living in a country where the entire social services sector is privatized, run by “charities” that are based in other countries and staffed by foreigners who get to decide whether or not you qualify for assistance.
Welcome to Haiti, the “Republic of NGOs.”
Regeringen tänker lansera en "samtyckeslag" som föreskriver explicit samtycke inför varje delmoment vid sexuellt umgänge.Detta kan komma att leda till vissa svårigheter då det kan vara knepigt att i förväg avgöra vad som är lagligt eller ej. Dessutom kan, tekniskt sett, handlingar som sker i outtalat samförstånd, i stundens hetta, som inte kränker någons rättigheter, komma att bli olagliga.
Children are being “targeted and sold for sex in America every day.
— John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Hela sexköpsdebatten lider av intellektuell slapphet och ohederlighet. Det finns inget fel i att vuxna, samtyckande människor byter pengar mot sex eller sex mot pengar. Ingen får i detta fall sin frihet, säkerhet eller egendom kränkt.Sexköpslagstiftningen vilar snarare på sexualskräck, nymoralism, religiös puritanism, förmynderi och subjektiva värderingar. Några logiska skäl finns inte.Däremot är det naturligtvis fel med till exempel våldtäkt, människorov och olaga tvång. Men det är helt andra frågor - där det förekommer kränkningar mot andra och där det finns offer.
A civilization where women and children are sexually commoditized is one in terminal decline. The next enduring superpower will be one that had successfully shielded its women and children from the ongoing epidemic of mass-mediated sexualisation. Any futurist worth his salt will vouch for this axiom, as well as note the inverse correlation between the enfeeblement of the current superpower and the procession of phallic chevrons that accompany its military compulsions abroad.
In response to Venezuela's food shortage, some women left the country and turned to the sex trade in neighboring Colombia to survive and to send food home to their children. [...]