
A Children’s Tale: Fistful-of-Cumin and Fistful-of-Mustard go on a Pilgrimage

I wrote this story for children sometime back, improving on a vaguely-remembered story my grandmother told me, and gave it an end. This is my translation of it in memory of all pilgrimages and boat journeys of childhood: In the distant town of Alappuzha, our Ammini Amma bought a fistful-of-cumin and a fistful-of-mustard from a … Continue reading A Children’s Tale: Fistful-of-Cumin and Fistful-of-Mustard go on a Pilgrimage

Unstuck in Time With Billy Pilgrim

Awakened by his presence, I was startled but not frightened. Somehow he seemed familiar and non-threatening.  He stood there in the dim light of a single energy-saving bulb from my reading lamp.  I put aside my dog-eared, yellowed copy of Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughter House Five. A Children’s Crusade, arose from my chair, and approached him for a closer look.

There is Never a 12th Step in the Program Called Consumerism

Sixty days. A year. Five years. A week. A day. An hour. Right now.
That’s the curse of addiction, those needles, inhalants, the entire barbarity of cheap booze shilled by the chosen ones, the money changers, all amortized and bundled debts in trans-capital, sold next to the playground, the trees cut down for billboards pronouncing sexual prowess and football hero-dom with the flick of the Mike’s Hard Cider or a fucking Bud.

Depicting Perpetual Crimes committed by Corporate Culture and its Mainstream Media

Imagine Moscow being taken over by some international corporate cartel. By a monster which has its own factories and office buildings, security services, private prisons, re-education (‘training’) centers, and its obedient mass media outlets. Imagine that it also has detailed databases on almost everyone who really matters in the capital.
Imagine that human lives suddenly don’t matter. People are only expected to produce and consume; they become fully disposable.

The Eye of the Beholder: There is Never Anything New

 it is through mimesis, (identification with the mirror image) that one gains a sense of unity, self-containment and mastery over the body. If that was all that there was to it, humanity would be condemned to dwell forever entombed in the hell of mirrors. However, the identification with an Other in the mirror opens out the possibility for symbolic thought.

SCIENTISM PROPAGANDA: H.G. Wells’ Masonic Time Machine

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Before there was Back to the Future, there was the early phase of science fiction propaganda embodied in Fabian H.G. Wells’ 1895 novella, The Time Machine.  Wells’ work is both entertaining and important for the course of modern literature, yet also calls for an analysis given the prevalence of propaganda functioning at many levels within the novel.