
Parasitic Fly Turns Honeybees into Flying “Zombies”

Just in time for the season premiere of “The Walking Dead,” researchers have announced that zombie bees have been spotted in some Eastern states. They’re not going to eat anyone’s brain (sorry?), but there could be a connection between the mindless creatures and honey bees that have been abandoning their hives in disturbing numbers.

Court Finds EPA Inappropriately Approved Bee-Killing Pesticide

The US Appeals Court has ruled that federal regulators should never have approved an insecticide that is harmful to pollinators, like bees. In this unprecedented ruling, it was found that the EPA used flawed and limited data. This heralds a changing tide which will finally hold the biotech industry and industrial agriculture accountable for the mass die-offs of our pollinators.

Bee-Killing Neonics Found in 50% of Rivers and Streams Sampled in Study

The Midwestern United States first saw a burgeoning problem with super weeds, caused by GMOs. Now in a study conducted by researchers from the United States Geological Survey who collected samples from 9 sites in Nebraska and Iowa, it was found that neonicotinoids, otherwise known as bee-killing pesticides, were present in varying amounts in every single river and stream.

Environmental/Ethical/Spiritual Costs of Northern California’s Wine Industry

I have been contemplating why the growing struggle by rural residents against the expanding, industrial wine industry in Sonoma and Napa counties, Northern California, has touched my heart and soul so deeply.
An email from Sister Julie DeRossi of the Starcross Monastic Community to the Board of Supervisors, which follows at the end of this article, provided insight. It stimulated a consideration of the environmental, ethical, spiritual, and agricultural costs of the invasive wine industry that consumes and spoils our diverse rural land at an increasingly rapid rate.

More than Half a Million Londoners Protest the Killing of the Bees by Biotech

This weekend you can see a host of individuals dressed as bees in Parliament Square to protest biotech’s detrimental effect on the pollinators which are so important to our food supply. The activists involved in the event are trying to bring light to the decision of the UK parliament to allow farmers to spray toxic neonicotinoids on their crops.

175,000 Ask Hwardare Stores to Stop Selling Bee-Killing Pesticides

We made a difference when we told Home Depot and Lowe’s to stop selling pesticides that hurt our pollinators, and now we need to go after a few more chains that are killing our bees and butterflies. It’s time to join the 175,000 who have already signed a petition to be delivered to True Value Hardware and Ace, requesting that they stop selling bee-killing chemicals.