Zionists attacks on Gaza

Israeli violence against Palestinians will never end as a result of UN & US hypocrisy

*internet photo of huge amounts of suffocating tear gas on Gaza protest. More sordidly, photos abound of maimed and slaughtered unarmed Palestinian protesters.
Apr 4, 2018, RT.com

-Eva K. Bartlett

The US is fine with “rebels” like Al-Qaeda “protesting” in Syria, but when genuinely unarmed Palestinians protest the occupiers who violently expelled them from their homes and land, they are “inciting violence.”

“Eva Bartlett discusses the power outage and daily abuses in Gaza”, ANC Report (AUDIO)

Apr 30, 2017, ANC Report

Thanks to Ryan Dawson for having me on to talk about the hell that is life in Gaza, as well as the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners, and solidarity with Syria.


(*Please note: webcam might be closer than it appears… Sorry for the close-up, some sort of setting or his recording program issue, I suppose.*)

Israel a criminal offender at large, UN listing or not

*Farah Abu Halima, 3, severely burned by Israeli-fired White Phosphorus, January 4, 2009 (Photo by Eva Bartlett)
Jun 5, 2015, RT.com
-by Eva Bartlett
Reports have come out that the UN was considering adding Israel to the list of “grave violations against children in armed conflict.” As detailed below, Israeli army and Israel’s state policies are systematically violent against Palestinian children.

the noble Mads Gilbert: Dr Mads Gilbert Doctor in Gaza from Norway Exposes & Slams Israel America & UK!

He highlights the current dire situation all around and in the hospitals, and he says what I always say: “Palestinian Samoud (resilience) is endless.  Their bravery is unending.  I don’t meet revenge feelings among the Palestinians, I meet people who say ‘let us have peace, we have the right to defend ourselves but we want peace…’ And to get peace, there must be a willingness from ‘Israel’ to talk without preconditions….”