Zionist Organisation of America

Trump Appointee Re-Opens Case Over Alleged Anti-Semitism on US Campus

A vociferous anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaigner appointed by President Donald Trump to head a top civil rights organisation has re-opened a seven-year-old case over alleged anti-Semitism in an American university. The newly appointed official is seeking to use a controversial definition of anti-Semitism to revisit a case dismissed under the administration of Barack Obama.

Tillerson Goes, McMaster Will Be Next: Is the Stage Being Set For Something…?

Just when you thought the massive, endless distraction/pantomime of Planet Trump couldn’t get any sillier, the President ditches his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson: and is replacing him with who? Oh, just the head of the CIA. What’s even dumber is that, given all of the mainstream media hysteria over alleged Trump ‘collusion’ with Russia, […]

Cohn, Bannon, Mnuchin… Trump au service de sa majesté Goldman Sachs

« Je les connais, les banquiers de Goldman Sachs ! Ils exercent un contrôle total sur Hillary Clinton ! » Donald Trump n’avait pas de mots assez durs, au printemps dernier, pour dénoncer à bon droit les liens étroits unissant la candidate démocrate aux dirigeants de la puissante banque d’affaires Goldman Sachs.

U.S. opens up to Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Syria, and Iran

Due to the fact that the appointment of Malley coincided with the crisis in relations between the U.S. and Israel, caused by the recent speech made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the U.S. Congress behind Obama’s back and without his approval, analysts have begun to talk about “changes in the U.S. role in the Middle East”