Zionist Lobby

Changing Alliances and the National Interest in the Middle East – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991

By aiding groups like al-Nusra, the Israelis have forfeited any claim on American sympathy (unless, of course, your a U.S. politician who has been captured by the Zionist lobby).


UK election: What the parties say about Palestine

The parties are so busy dancing to the hardline Zionist tune that they fail to acknowledge the original Jewish wish for there to be no Jewish state at all. They’re all pressing for a two-state arrangement arrived at by endless, futile and utterly discredited negotiation. They claim to be champions of international law but are not prepared to let the law settle it.

100-year betrayal of the Holy Land set to continue

The U.S. and Israel: Diverging Interests – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidso

Obviously the real “concerns and interests” of the United States in the Middle East have noticeably diverged from those of Israel. As a consequence Israel is now loudly complaining that Washington has abandoned it. Well, Washington might do well to play the same game – to loudly complain about Israel’s traitorous behavior.


How President Obama could take on and defeat the Zionist lobby

 At the time of writing Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress (I think they are best described as traitors) are on a collision course with the Obama administration.

by Alan Hart

A longer version of my headline would be this. How President Obama could take on and defeat the Zionist lobby and secure for himself the freedom to put America’s own best interests first in the Middle East and wider Muslim.

“When ancient theologies are used for modern political ends…” (Gospel according to Rabbi Lord Sacks)

Image: Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Israelis may not behead innocent Palestinians but they sure as hell butcher them in huge numbers with high-tech weaponry paid for by America, then whine when their victims hit back with whatever unsophisticated devices they can lay hands on…