zionist-controlled media

Were Israel’s secret services behind the 2001 anthrax attacks?

By Brandon Martinez
In late September 2001, a couple of weeks after 9/11, the United States was struck with what the Bush regime dubbed a “second wave” of terrorism. Letters laced with deadly anthrax spores arrived in the mailboxes of prominent media figures and two American senators. Five people were killed and 17 others were infected.

Cynthia McKinney on 911 – Zionist Controlled Media – Congress & Syria – Truth!

 Cynthia McKinney on 911 -  Zionist Controlled Media – Congress & Syria -

Cynthia McKinney, peace activist and former U.S. Congresswoman, presents to the “9/11 Revisted: Seeking the Truth” conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012. Also addressing the current turmoil in Syria and greater middle east. Please do take a minute and LIKE & SHARE this with everyone. This information needs to spread. Cynthia is a true leader.