
Nationalists Jailed, Pedophiles Bailed W/ Laura Towler & Our Diseased World W/ Adam Green - FF Ep250

Laura Towler joins Henrik in the first hour to talk about her husband Sam Melia's incarceration for 'racist stickers.' In the second hour Adam Green joins us to talk about health, our sick world, Trump’s re-selection and more.
This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.

The Rabbi’s Tear

Michael Lesher Until very recently, I thought I could no longer be shocked by any news about Israel’s savagery against the trapped people of Gaza – or about my Orthodox Jewish community’s unrelenting support for each and every atrocity. I had seen the shredded bodies of Palestinian children. I had seen the bombed-out remains of …

The Willful Destruction of a People

The US corporate media has maintained a near unanimous support for the Israeli destruction of Gaza – the home of 2.2 million Palestinians. While pundits engage in parlor games over what degree of violence is “justified” by the Hamas attack upon Israel, while public intellectuals fall in line with the gutless unconditional support of Israeli […]
The post The Willful Destruction of a People first appeared on Dissident Voice.

A few weeks have passed since the Chabad tunnel scandal broke headlines, and all questions about it are being called “antisemitic”

by Ethan Huff, Natural News: For some reason, any and all questions about the recent discovery of illegal tunnels burrowed underneath the global headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Judaism in New York City’s Crown Heights are racist, according to the corporate media. Digging the types of tunnels that were discovered is not only illegal without the […]

Beyond the Genocide

Each genocide has its characteristics; the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people has unique characteristics that make it more dangerous than atrocities that damaged previous populations. Starting from the day that a Zionist stepped on Palestinian land, the machinery for the eventual genocide was being prepared. Failure of international organizations to take necessary precautions, even […]
The post Beyond the Genocide first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Washington’s Unconditional Support for Israel Mirrors its Unconditional Support for Sectarianism

Poor Ophelia divided from herself and her fair judgment Without the which we are pictures, or mere beasts…. — Hamlet (IV.v.) As was the case with the British and Roman empires that preceded it, Washington has long had a fondness for the divide and conquer paradigm and has ruthlessly fomented sectarianism in the post-Cold War […]

Western Racism laid the Foundations for Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

It should surprise no one that the prize-match fight for the rule of international law has pitted Israel and South Africa against each other at the International Court of Justice at The Hague. The world is split between those who have crafted a self-serving global and regional order that guarantees them impunity whatever their crimes, […]