
Zelensky, media lackeys caught in most dangerous lie yet

With Kiev exposed for a lie that could have triggered a third world war, it is time to examine past deceptions that Western media promoted. A missile that exploded on Polish soil on November 15 killed two civilians and destroyed farm equipment. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Western corporate media rushed to blame the explosion on Russia in apparent hopes of triggering NATO’s Article 5, which requires NATO states to defend one another militarily when attacked by a hostile force. […]

FTX partnership with Ukraine is latest chapter in shady Western aid saga

The Ukrainian government mysteriously disappeared online records of its fundraising arrangement with the FTX crypto scam just days before the scandal erupted. The initiative claims to have raised $60 million for Ukraine, but where did the money go? The demise of FTX, the fifth-biggest cryptocurrency exchange by trade volume in 2022, and the second-largest by holdings, has sent a wave of chaos through global financial markets.  As the turbulence grows, the government of Ukraine is conducting an ongoing cleanup and […]

Food and Toilets: The Collective West’s Weapons

One of several multiple million criminals, but he keeps on ticking like that Times watch: My previous post, “Incredible, Unbearable, Incomprehensible Lightness of Wanting to Be Human . . . That Way!” was much more holistically positive, but we need to talk straight sometimes. Is this even on a scale of what is inhumane, or […]
The post Food and Toilets: The Collective West’s Weapons first appeared on Dissident Voice.