Zbigniew Brzezinski

75 Years & Counting: A History of Western Regime Change in Syria Part I

Vanessa Beeley Washington and London’s latest war against Syria was incubated in CIA and MI6 offices long before the manufactured “uprising” erupted in 2011. This was not the first time that the US neocolonialist alliance had attempted regime change in Syria. Historian Stephen Gowans writes about Washington’s Long War on Syria in his comprehensive book …

Revelations of Carter’s Former Advisor : ‘Yes, the CIA entered Afghanistan before the Russians…’

The Brzezinski Interview with Le Nouvel Observateur (1998) Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs that the American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahiddin in Afghanistan six months before the Soviet intervention. In this period, you were the national security advisor to President Carter. You therefore played a key role in this affair. Is this […]

John Pilger: Afghanistan, The Great Game of Smashing Countries

When we watch the current scenes of panic at Kabul airport, and listen to journalists and generals in distant TV studios bewailing the withdrawal of “our protection”, isn’t it time to heed the truth of the past so that all this suffering never happens again?
The post John Pilger: Afghanistan, The Great Game of Smashing Countries appeared first on MintPress News.

« Oui, la CIA est entrée en Afghanistan avant les Russes … » par Zbigniew Brzezinski

Au vu de la triste actualité en Afghanistan, nous ressortons cette importante interview de 1998, dont il est fascinant de voir qu’elle n’a eu aucun impact dans notre mémoire collective. Rappelons que Zbigniew Brzezinski était le conseiller du président Carter pour les affaires de sécurité – et que Barack Obama l’a nommé conseiller aux affaires […]

CIA Operation Cyclone: Afghanistan Trap for the USSR 1978-79

CIA Operation Cyclone: Afghanistan Trap for the USSR 1978-79 1978-79: NSA head Zbigniew Brzezinki engineered a trap for the USSR in Afghanistan: “The purpose for coordinating with the Pakistani’s will be to make the Soviets bleed, for as much as long as possible..” Forty years on, the tragic result. 1978-79: NSA head Zbigniew Brzezinki engineers […]

USA’s Sordid Role in Afghanistan

The situation in Afghanistan remains bleak. In late April 2021, US President Joe Biden announced  an apparent withdrawal from the Central Asian country. However, the facts on the ground indicate that America’s longest war has merely been downsized. 16,000 military contractors and more than 1,000 US troops will stay in Afghanistan; aerial bombardments, drone strikes […]
The post USA’s Sordid Role in Afghanistan first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Why Shouldn’t the Boston Marathon Bomber Vote? U.S. Politicians Radicalized Him

Last month, 2020 U.S. presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders stirred controversy at a CNN town hall after answering a loaded question about whether his position on extending voting rights to incarcerated felons barred any exceptions such as the Boston Marathon bomber currently on death row. It was impossible for Sanders to respond honestly without being entrapped by the inclusion of Dzhokar Tsarnaev as an example, but the self-professed ‘democratic socialist’ gave a reflective explanation of the complexities of the issue behind his reasoning.

Empire by Terror, Afghanistan to Syria: Brzezinksi’s al Qaeda Doctrine

Submitted by Steve Brown…
Brzezinski’s al Qaeda Doctrine as defined by the US Department of Defense’s Dictionary of Military Terms:
” Brzezinski’s al Qaeda Doctrine is the calculated use of violence or threat of violence by proxy to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological in nature.”
Read why, after decades of global destabilization, Brzezinski’s terror policy has failed: