Yvette Clarke

Democratic Primaries-- The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Perfect primary targetThis cycle there are, literally, 7 fake Democrats in the House who have voting records worse than at least one Republican. This is the bottom of the barrel among Democrats (with their 2017-'18 ProgressivePunch crucial vote scores)-- along with the Republicans who vote more frequently along progressive lines:

Does EVERY Member Of Congress Deserve A Primary Challenge?

Even Lipinski's own colleagues in Congress want him outOn Sunday, Politico ran a story by Laura Nahmias and Lauren Dezenski, Progressives storm Democratic primaries. It brought up some important races but didn't talk much about when incumbents deserve to be primaried and when they don't, a tough, sometimes, nuanced question.

Democrat Rep. Yvette Clarke runs away from reporter asking about IT staffer Imran Awan (Video)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s well paid IT staffer, Imran Awan, has been arrested by the FBI trying to flee the country after scandal broke around his consulting firm and hacking of congressional computer system.
For some strange reasons, Democratic Congress members want to make the Imran “hacking” narrative go away.

Arming Syrian Moderates? They Are No Syrian Moderates Except In McCain's Twisted Mind

The House leaders-- afraid of midterm voters-- avoided voting for war in the Middle East yesterday and instead voted to fund what McCain insists are "moderate" Syrian rebels… you know, the ones who have been selling arms and captives to ISIS (the "non-moderates") for months. Do we never learn? Anything? Buck McKeon's slippery slope amendment passed 273 to 156 with 85 Democrats and 71 Republicans voting against it. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) has learned history's lessons.

The Republican Party Still Exists In New York-- But Just Barely

Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-Brooklyn)I'm from Brooklyn. I went to PS-197 and then James Madison High School. So did Ken-- not to mention Bernie Sanders, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Chuck Schumer and… Norm Coleman. When Ken, Chuck and I were kids, the congressman was the dean of the House Dems, Emanuel Celler, who served from 1923 to 1973. [An opponent of civil rights he was finally defeated in a primary by a more progressive Democrat, Elizabeth Holtzman.